D. For the Kulon Progo district, and sights include:
1. Congot Beach.
Congot Beach is located in the village district Jangkaran Temon Kulon Progo district.
Adjacent to Glagah Beach. From the city of Yogyakarta, about 45 km towards the west, or about 7 km from the city of Wates. The beach is located at the mouth of the river Bogowonto quite quiet and a lot of fish so that is where the fishing activity. The local government of Kulon Progo Congot planned around the beach area will be bustling as this beach will be a jetty / port so that later will develop marine transportation through the port.
2. Glagah Beach.
Glagah Beach is located on the east coast Congot, a distance from the coast towards the east Congot about 3 km. From the city of Yogyakarta to the west about 42 km. The local government of Kulon Progo sought to Glagah beach and surrounding area will also be expected to contribute much to the planned construction of the factory location with the location of iron sand from the beach this Glagah eastward along the coast until the coast is located in the district Trisik Lines.
3. GOA Kiskenda.
Goa is situated in the village Kiskenda Jatimulyo, sub-district of Kulon Progo Girimulya diketinggian located about 1000 meters above sea level. Directions from Yogyakarta to the west with the distance about 40 km when taken past the point of Godean north towards the west. When reached via the south road Wates later when it has reached the region fork Ngeplang Sentolo precisely, take the road north toward the region Sribit, continued to rise following the asphalt road, which eventually reached the village Jatimulyo. Historically, the cave is the scene of the battle between Sugriwa and Subali against Mahesa Sura as the cave dwellers. Goa Kiskenda still very natural at all, not so much rehapan-rehapan so that it looks original and beautiful to see. Only about a cave already made a place for relaxing break garden sitting around enjoying the natural scenery around.
1. Congot Beach.
Congot Beach is located in the village district Jangkaran Temon Kulon Progo district.
Adjacent to Glagah Beach. From the city of Yogyakarta, about 45 km towards the west, or about 7 km from the city of Wates. The beach is located at the mouth of the river Bogowonto quite quiet and a lot of fish so that is where the fishing activity. The local government of Kulon Progo Congot planned around the beach area will be bustling as this beach will be a jetty / port so that later will develop marine transportation through the port.
2. Glagah Beach.
Glagah Beach is located on the east coast Congot, a distance from the coast towards the east Congot about 3 km. From the city of Yogyakarta to the west about 42 km. The local government of Kulon Progo sought to Glagah beach and surrounding area will also be expected to contribute much to the planned construction of the factory location with the location of iron sand from the beach this Glagah eastward along the coast until the coast is located in the district Trisik Lines.
3. GOA Kiskenda.
Goa is situated in the village Kiskenda Jatimulyo, sub-district of Kulon Progo Girimulya diketinggian located about 1000 meters above sea level. Directions from Yogyakarta to the west with the distance about 40 km when taken past the point of Godean north towards the west. When reached via the south road Wates later when it has reached the region fork Ngeplang Sentolo precisely, take the road north toward the region Sribit, continued to rise following the asphalt road, which eventually reached the village Jatimulyo. Historically, the cave is the scene of the battle between Sugriwa and Subali against Mahesa Sura as the cave dwellers. Goa Kiskenda still very natural at all, not so much rehapan-rehapan so that it looks original and beautiful to see. Only about a cave already made a place for relaxing break garden sitting around enjoying the natural scenery around.
4. Sermo reservoir.
Sermo dam or better known by the name of the Sermo reservoir in times Ngrancah terlatak, Hargowilis village, district of Kulon Progo district Kokap. Distances from Wates town just about 8 km and can be reached by public transportation. Sermo reservoir inaugurated by President Soeharto on November 20, 1996. Reservoir has been built around the asphalt road that circles the reservoir so that people or tourists to easily get around while enjoying the surrounding scenery.
D. Untuk wilayah kabupaten Kulon Progo, tempat wisata yang ada diantaranya :
Pantai Congot terletak di desa Jangkaran kecamatan Temon kabupaten Kulon Progo .
Bersebelahan dengan Pantai Glagah. Dari kota Yogyakarta sekitar 45 km kea rah barat atau sekitar 7 km dari kota Wates. Pantai ini berada di muara sungai Bogowonto yang cukup tenang dan banyak ikannya sehingga merupakan tempat kegiatan memancing ikan. Pemerintah daerah Kulon Progo berencana sekitar pantai Congot akan dibuat kawasan yang ramai karena pantai ini akan merupakan sebuah dermaga/pelabuhan sehingga nantinya transportasi laut akan berkembang melalui pelabuhan tersebut.
Pantai Glagah terletak di sebelah timur pantai Congot, yang jaraknya dari pantai Congot kearah timur sekitar 3 km. Dari kota Yogyakarta ke arah barat sekitar 42 km. Pemerintah daerah Kulon Progo berupaya agar kawasan pantai Glagah dan sekitarnya nantinya juga diharapkan bisa memberikan kontribusi yang banyak dengan rencana dibangunnya lokasi pabrik pasir besi dengan lokasi dari pantai Glagah ini ke timur sepanjang pantai sampai pantai Trisik yang terletak di kecamatan Galur.
Goa Kiskenda terletak di desa Jatimulyo, kecamatan Girimulya kabupaten Kulon Progo yang berada diketinggian sekitar 1000 meter diatas permukaan laut. Arah dari Yogyakarta ke barat dengan jarak tempuh sekitar 40 km bila ditempuh melewati jalur utara yaitu daerah Godean kearah barat. Bila ditempuh lewat jalur selatan jalan Wates nanti bila telah sampai di daerah Sentolo tepatnya pertigaan Ngeplang, ambil jalan yang ke arah utara menuju arah daerah Sribit, terus naik mengikuti jalan aspal tersebut yang akhirnya nanti sampai di desa Jatimulyo. Menurut sejarahnya, goa tersebut merupakan tempat terjadinya peperangan antara Sugriwa dan Subali melawan Mahesa Sura sebagai penghuni goa tersebut. Goa Kiskenda masih sangat alami sekali, belum begitu banyak rehapan-rehapan sehingga tampak asli dan asri untuk melihatnya. Hanya sekitar goa sudah dibuat tempat taman santai untuk istirahat duduk-duduk sambil menikmati pemandangan alam sekitar.
Bendungan Sermo atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Waduk Sermo terlatak di kali Ngrancah, desa Hargowilis, kecamatan Kokap kabupaten Kulon Progo. Jarak dari kota Wates hanya sekitar 8 km dan bisa dicapai dengan kendaraan umum. Waduk Sermo diresmikan oleh Presiden Soeharto pada tanggal 20 Nopember 1996. Disekitar Waduk tersebut sudah dibuat jalan aspal yang melingkari waduk tersebut sehingga orang atau wisatawan dengan mudah berkeliling sambil menikmati pemandangan sekitarnya.
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