B. For the Bantul region, tourist beaches:
1. Parangtritis Beach.
Parangtritis is a coastal beach located around 25 km south of Yogyakarta city. This beach has its own uniqueness in terms of scenery where the uniqueness is not available at other beaches because of Gumuk or the mountains of nearby sand beach. Besides the baths, called Parang Wedang who reputedly the water in the baths that can cure various diseases because the water that contains sulfur.
1. Parangtritis Beach.
Parangtritis is a coastal beach located around 25 km south of Yogyakarta city. This beach has its own uniqueness in terms of scenery where the uniqueness is not available at other beaches because of Gumuk or the mountains of nearby sand beach. Besides the baths, called Parang Wedang who reputedly the water in the baths that can cure various diseases because the water that contains sulfur.
2. Samas BEACH
Samas Beach is located in the village srigading, Sanden Bantul district of Yogyakarta to the south about 24 km. On the beach there are river deltas and freshwater lakes which form the lake. By local residents that there is pond-lake used for the development of fish and prawns.Some traditional ceremonies conducted on this beach like Carnival Ceremony Tumuruning Mahesa Sura, Labuhan Ceremony Alms Sea, and every day during the school holidays Lebaran or arts and cultural performances are held.
Samas Beach is located in the village srigading, Sanden Bantul district of Yogyakarta to the south about 24 km. On the beach there are river deltas and freshwater lakes which form the lake. By local residents that there is pond-lake used for the development of fish and prawns.Some traditional ceremonies conducted on this beach like Carnival Ceremony Tumuruning Mahesa Sura, Labuhan Ceremony Alms Sea, and every day during the school holidays Lebaran or arts and cultural performances are held.
B. Untuk wilayah Kabupaten Bantul, wisata pantainya :
Pantai Parangtritis merupakan pantai pesisir yang terletak disekitar 25 km sebelah selatan
Pantai Samas terletak di desa Srigading, kecamatan Sanden Bantul yang dari
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