C. For Sleman regency resorts can we liput among others:
1. Kaliurang.
Kaliurang is a tourist place located 28 km from the city of Yogyakarta to the north and this place is located at the foot of the hill Plawangan and Turgo hill, south of Mount Merapi.Kaliurang hamlet located in the region, Hargobinangun village, Pakem district of Sleman regency, with a recreation park area of 10,000 square meters. The beauty of the surrounding forest and be a refreshing event with activities such as scout camping.On the Ground there is a historic building that is Wisma Kaliurang ever used for specific negotiations between the Republic of Indonesia with the Three Nation Commission on January 13, 1948 that gave birth to Minute Ground. At that time Indonesia was represented by President Soekarno, Moh. Hatta, AM Syahrir and General Sudirman. Medium for Three-State Commission (the Dutch delegation) Represented by Paul Van Zeelan (Belgium), Richard Kirby (Australia), and Dr. Frank Graham (USA). Kaliurang Lake Princess well known that many tourists visited at home and abroad.
1. Kaliurang.
Kaliurang is a tourist place located 28 km from the city of Yogyakarta to the north and this place is located at the foot of the hill Plawangan and Turgo hill, south of Mount Merapi.Kaliurang hamlet located in the region, Hargobinangun village, Pakem district of Sleman regency, with a recreation park area of 10,000 square meters. The beauty of the surrounding forest and be a refreshing event with activities such as scout camping.On the Ground there is a historic building that is Wisma Kaliurang ever used for specific negotiations between the Republic of Indonesia with the Three Nation Commission on January 13, 1948 that gave birth to Minute Ground. At that time Indonesia was represented by President Soekarno, Moh. Hatta, AM Syahrir and General Sudirman. Medium for Three-State Commission (the Dutch delegation) Represented by Paul Van Zeelan (Belgium), Richard Kirby (Australia), and Dr. Frank Graham (USA). Kaliurang Lake Princess well known that many tourists visited at home and abroad.
The monument is located in the hamlets of Jogja back protruding, village district Sariharjo Ngaglik Sleman regency. This monument is shaped mountains / cone with a height of 31.8 meters of which construction on June 29, 1985 with the traditional ceremonial planting buffalo head and laying the first stone by his lane IX and Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII.Given the name "Yogya Kembali" because as a mark of history drawn peritiwa Dutch army withdrawal from the capital of Yogyakarta on 29 June 1949 and the return of President Sukarno in Yogyakarta. This monument in which there is:
a. Replicas of the history of struggle
b. Collection of armaments, such as cannons, guns, bullets, spears, etc..
c. The sculptures like the bust of Chief of General Sudirman, etc..
d. List the names of Heroes
e. Photographs as a photo of the Students' Army, etc..
f. Relief collections
g. Diorama Collections
h. Garbha Grahai. Permanent showrooms with the theme "On the Implementation of General Offensive March 1, 1949"
j. Permanent showrooms with the theme "Yogya as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia."
The monument is located in the hamlets of Jogja back protruding, village district Sariharjo Ngaglik Sleman regency. This monument is shaped mountains / cone with a height of 31.8 meters of which construction on June 29, 1985 with the traditional ceremonial planting buffalo head and laying the first stone by his lane IX and Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII.Given the name "Yogya Kembali" because as a mark of history drawn peritiwa Dutch army withdrawal from the capital of Yogyakarta on 29 June 1949 and the return of President Sukarno in Yogyakarta. This monument in which there is:
a. Replicas of the history of struggle
b. Collection of armaments, such as cannons, guns, bullets, spears, etc..
c. The sculptures like the bust of Chief of General Sudirman, etc..
d. List the names of Heroes
e. Photographs as a photo of the Students' Army, etc..
f. Relief collections
g. Diorama Collections
h. Garbha Grahai. Permanent showrooms with the theme "On the Implementation of General Offensive March 1, 1949"
j. Permanent showrooms with the theme "Yogya as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia."
C.Untuk wilayah Kabupaten Sleman tempat wisata yang bisa kami liput antara lain :
Kaliurang adalah tempat wisata yang terletak 28 km dari kota Yogyakarta ke arah utara dan tempat ini berada dikaki bukit plawangan dan bukit turgo, arah selatan gunung Merapi.
Kaliurang terletak di wilayah dusun Kaliurang, desa Hargobinangun, kecamatan Pakem kabupaten Sleman, dengan taman rekreasi seluas 10.000 meter persegi. Keindahan hutan disekitarnya dijadikan ajang refresing dan kegiatan seperti pramuka dengan berkemah.
Di Kaliurang terdapat sebuah bangunan bersejarah yaitu Wisma Kaliurang yang pernah digunakan untuk perundingan khusus antara Republik Indonesia dengan Komisi Tiga Negara pada tanggal 13 Januari 1948 yang melahirkan Notulen Kaliurang. Pada saat itu Indonesia diwakili oleh Presiden Soekarno, Moh. Hatta, PM Syahrir dan Jendral Soedirman. Sedang untuk Komisi Tiga Negara ( delegasi Belanda ) Diwakili oleh Paul Van Zeelan (Belgia ), Richard Kirby (Australia ), dan Dr. Frank Graham (AS). Kaliurang terkenal juga dengan Telaga Putri yang banyak sekali dikunjungi wisatawan dalam dan luar negeri.
Monumen Jogja kembali terletak di dusun Jongkang, kelurahan Sariharjo kecamatan Ngaglik kabupaten Sleman. Monumen ini berbentuk gunungan/ kerucut dengan ketinggian 31,8 meter yang pembangunannya pada tanggal 29 Juni 1985 dengan upacara tradisional penanaman kepala kerbau dan peletakan batu pertama dilakukan oleh beliau Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX dan Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII.
Diberi nama “ Yogya Kembali” dikarenakan sebagai tanda peritiwa sejarah ditarik mundurnya tentara Belanda dari Ibukota Yogyakarta tanggal 29 Juni 1949 dan kembalinya Presiden Soekarno di Yogyakarta. Monumen ini didalamnya terdapat :
a. Replika –replika sejarah perjuangan waktu itu
b. Koleksi alat-alat perang , seperti meriam, senjata-senjata, peluru, tombak, dsb.
c. Patung-patung seperti patung dada Panglima Jendral Soedirman, dsb.
d. Daftar nama-nama Pahlawan
e. Foto-foto seperti foto kegiatan Tentara Pelajar, dsb.
f. Koleksi-koleksi Relief
g. Koleksi-koleksi Diorama
h. Garbha Graha
i. Ruang pamer tetap dengan tema “ Seputar Pelaksanaan Serangan Umum 1 Maret 1949”
j. Ruang pamer tetap dengan tema “ Yogya sebagai Ibukota Negara Republik Indonesia “.
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